Ben Krogh-Grabbe
Member of Rainbow Players: since 1999. Photographer of nature and has many beautiful greeting cards made from his photos. Highly skilled puppeteer and storyteller. Loves to dress up in different animal costumes for the shows and play animal characters. An excellent visual artis, Ben created the colorful artwork that you see all over this website!
Favorite Music Group - The Beatles
Favorite Song - "Everyday"
"I love myself. Pizza! Ice Cream!" "I love acting and puppets. I like having fun!"
Chris Wood
Member of Rainbow Players: since 1999. Works at Big Y and is a great conversationalist with the customers. He plays many characters in the shows- talk show hosts, store managers and even Dracula trying to steal dreams in the show: “The Dream Office”. He has amazing skills in creating animal sounds, able to recreate the different mating calls of loons, frogs and other birds. He has worked as a co-writer of songs and text for different shows over the years.
Craig Trehub
Member of Rainbow Players: since 2008. Has worked in many different kinds of jobs- once working in a facility separating recyclable materials. He attended Holyoke Community College. He helped create the role of “Big John”, the assistant to our Robin Hood character, who went on to perform his Elvis impersonations! He is a song-writer and musician, recording one of his songs with the support of musician, John Sheldon.
DREAM: "I want to see my song, "Kristy- K R I S T Y", become a hit song. I also want to publish my memoirs, of my life and of periods within it- like, “My Experience With 8th Grade" that I wrote about the year 1969-70. It was a year with many other events in the world that are included in the text."
Jay Lithgow
Member of Rainbow Players: since 2014. Has worked in many jobs, from UMass at the Totman gym to an afterschool program and now volunteering at the Jones Library and at the Amherst Survival Center. He is our news update reporter, keeping us current on local, national and international concerns.
What you might not know about Jay: "I love theater and performing, dancing, singing and trying out new characters. I especially like hanging out with my friends, going to movies, taking pictures and walking! And..I like playing cards!"
Karen Weneczek
Member of Rainbow Players: since 2005. Worked at the Hampshire College library for more than 40 years. Started acting at Jericho house, doing sacred dancing. Loves Improv and performing for audiences with different characters. Has traveled to Ireland (2005), Omaha (2008), Chicago (2009) and around Massachusetts with the troupe. Her book launch: Red Riding Hood’s - “10 Steps to Grandma’s House”, a get into shape manual for all.
She takes classes in theater and participates in a chorus group through Pathlight.
What someone might not know about me: "That I’m a well-spoken person and people aren’t patient enough to listen. I’m a serious actor and like memorizing a script. “
Favorite Food: “I’m not picky about food. I like it all. "
Richard Dresser
Member of Rainbow Players: since 2017. Brings a unique viewpoint to the group because he was institutionalized at age 9-19 in the Belchertown State School. Living independently for more than 50 years, he has worked in many trades which he applies in helping his friends. He is a great dancer and loves creating character voices.
What someone might not know about me: "That I’m a good person and of all the things I do in my life, helping kids with disabilities. I want them to know how good I am and that I treat people right and do good things for other people.”
Favorite Food: “I like a good crunchy granola."
Wolé Abiodun
Member of Rainbow Players: since 1999. Works at Big Y in Amherst- with many awards for Outstanding Service, for more than 20 years. Has many medals for athletics with Special Olympics. Traveled with troupe twice to Ireland (2004/2005) and to Omaha (2008) and Chicago (2009) as well as across the state of Massachusetts. Loves to do improv and has learned from the best: Whose Line Is It Anyway? He loves acting and laughing .
"Just ask me about myself if you don’t know me. I’m open to telling you about myself. I am from Nigeria. I like Spaghetti! I like Track and Field, to compete. I don’t like Blues. I like Jazz and Rock. I like Rock because they sing very well. I dream to learn to shop by myself and learn money skills; learn to cook well and to learn other independent skills. I like doing theater with my friends and having fun."