Summer Arts and Theater

Summer Arts and Theater at ETTA Arts:

236 N. Pleasant St., Amherst / cell: 413-219-5546

< Next to the Spotted Cow Statue >

Having fun during April Vacation Week!

Dates: July 10-14/ July 17-21 / July 24-28

July 31- Aug. 4/ Aug. 7-11

Hours: 9:00-12:00/ 1:00-4:00

Lunch hour: 12-1:00 – optional with added small fee.

Fun & Creative ALL Abilities ARTS and Theater With Outdoor Games and Play in Kendrick Park!

Per Full week: $300 or $150 (CC) Card to Culture or

Choose Days and times for $30 or $15 (CC) per session- a.m. or p.m. 

To Register: email-

OR Call: 413-219-5546 (text ok!)

Toy Theater!

Our Themes: Everything Paper! 

·      Mask-making; Hat making·     

Toy Theater

·      Crankie Story theater

·      Origami creatures

·      Kite-making

·      And all things drawing and

·       watercolor on paper!

Clay-Play and Create

·      Make tiles- imprinted with

·      nature shapes; carving

·      Hand-building anything!

·      Fimo/Sculpey Mini Creations!

·      Creations from Nature!

Masks for the wall &  papier mache! 

Clay Mask for a wall!

Puppets of all Kinds!

·      Muppet-style puppets

·      Cloth Hand-puppets

·      Shadow Puppets

·      Stick puppets & marionette style!

Theater, Improv & Story-Telling!

·      Create your own play or musical!

·      Take a favorite story or fairy tale

and create your play!

The Great Kapok Tree with the Muppets!

·      Make costumes from wide

range of materials

·      Make props for your play!

Each week: 

·      Explore Art with Nature:  Explore temporary art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy and in the style of Reggio Emilia, youth directed!

·      Trash to Treasure:  Using recyclables and non-recylables- create sculptures and more!

·      Leather Creations:  A wide range of projects with scraps of leather and other materials!

·      Painting on cloth- t-shirts and flags

Painting on cloth !

Games and Fun in the Park:  Our outdoor classroom is across the street at Kendrick Park.  Each day, weather permitting, we will have time to play and be creative in the park.


Now Offering: Intro to Rainbow Players